If you have a rental property in Washington DC, you need to have a business license
Why do I need it? The DC government requires a Basic Business License (BBL) for each residential rental property, whether you wish to rent a studio condo or an entire building. It is the law and compliance is extremely important in ensuring accurate tax assessment, and your ability to protect your rights as an owner.
How do I get it? The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) is responsible for all licenses and permits, including the BBL. The application for a single unit may be filed for online and does not require a Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) to be obtained first. For two or more units, a CofO must first be obtained and the BBL application filed in person. For both the CofO (if necessary) and BBL, there is an inspection required and this is included as part of the fees for each. The finalization of all BBLs requires an owner or agent to complete several steps at both DCRA and the DC Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR). Both DCRA and OTR allow an agent to complete all aspects of the BBL and CofO processes, requiring only a completed and notarized Power of Attorney form to do so. We are happy to provide you with DC's form, crafted specifically for this purpose, should you wish BUZI PROPERTIES LLC to obtain the BBL for you. The BBL must be renewed every two years, but requires only a renewal fee and not a repetition of the initial application process. You must provide a physical domestic mailing address so that DCRA can send the renewal notice with the necessary ID and PIN allowing online renewal payment.
How do I get it? The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) is responsible for all licenses and permits, including the BBL. The application for a single unit may be filed for online and does not require a Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) to be obtained first. For two or more units, a CofO must first be obtained and the BBL application filed in person. For both the CofO (if necessary) and BBL, there is an inspection required and this is included as part of the fees for each. The finalization of all BBLs requires an owner or agent to complete several steps at both DCRA and the DC Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR). Both DCRA and OTR allow an agent to complete all aspects of the BBL and CofO processes, requiring only a completed and notarized Power of Attorney form to do so. We are happy to provide you with DC's form, crafted specifically for this purpose, should you wish BUZI PROPERTIES LLC to obtain the BBL for you. The BBL must be renewed every two years, but requires only a renewal fee and not a repetition of the initial application process. You must provide a physical domestic mailing address so that DCRA can send the renewal notice with the necessary ID and PIN allowing online renewal payment.